The Lebanese Army needs to finish off the Fatah Al Islam vermin, whatever the political cost. Every building serving as a shelter to the vermin needs to be brought down. The Army needs to use flame throwers to cleanup the vermin remnants from the so called "camp".
And since the Palestinian camps cannot police themselves, they need to be disarmed by whatever means necessary. We have tolerated the cancer of Palestinian armed presence in Lebanon for too long. I think an overwhelming majority of Lebanese are finally united against the Palestinian arms in Lebanon.
If a Palestinian wants to carry weapons, they should be sent to Gaza to show their military prowess against the Israeli armed forces. And they are welcome to take their friends and relatives with them!
Where are Hizballa's weapons that are supposedly meant to defend Lebanon and its Army? Why is Hizballa still tacitly supporting the Palestinian miscreants in Lebanon? The answer is simple: Hizballa is not a Lebanese organization, but an Iranian one, with one purpose: extending the Iranian revolution to the Levant.