The PLO representative in Lebanon, Abbas Zaki, expressed support for the Lebanese Authorities and pledged full cooperation with the Lebanese government in supressing what he called the Fatah Al Islam (FAI) "phenomenon". He even stated that he didn't oppose the Lebanese Armed Forces entering Nahr El Bared. This is a pivotal first in the history or Lebanese-Palestinian relations.
What the PLO needs to do is to join action to its words and expel Fatah Al Islam from Nahr El Bared and other Plaestinian "camps". The PLO needs to act fast, all the more so, since the FAI are using the Palestinian civilian population as human shields, and went as far as preventing rescue workers from evacuating the civilian casualties from the "camp". This was done in a criminal attempt at creating a humanitarian disaster that would force the Lebanese government to stop its assault on the terrorist group.
If the PLO cares about the well-being of their civilian constituents in Nahr El Bared, they need to act sooner rather than later. Every hour means more casualties and more misery for the innocent Palestinians of the "camp".
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